“The road to heaven leads through hell..”

Strange things happen at HOTEL PARADISO, a time-honoured mountain resort kept alive with some difficulty by an old lady and her family. While a mineral spring promises relief from physical and mental pain and the hotel proudly boasts four stars, dark clouds are nevertheless gathering in the bright sky. The son dreams of his great love while fighting his sister in his effort to gain control of the hotel. Meanwhile, the maid is in the habit of stealing the hotel guests’ valuables, and the cook chops up much more than just pork…

A first corpse turns up causing all the hotel’s staff and guests to get mixed up in a turmoil of fatal events. Dark abysses open up between the dizzy heights, threatening to devour all of the protagonists. The hotel’s decline seems to be inevitable, since corpses are always bad for business…

This is a dramatic nightmare steeped in black humour with a hint of melancholy, the most vicious and mysterious play hitherto staged by Familie Flöz